SELECT * FROM benches where tittle='fw996 olympic flat bench' and status!=2

FW996 Olympic Flat Bench

Turbuster Olympic Flat Bench is one of the equipments that can be chosen to strengthen and build the upper body muscles, especially the chest muscles. It helps in strengthening and building the upper body muscles such as the pectoralis major, anterior and lateral deltoids, as well as the triceps.


  • Optimum angle is best to hit upper pecs
  • Additional 2 weight horns
  • 5 chrome sleeves & chrome finishing 
  • J cup hooks for barbell storage
  • Low bench profile
  • The rubber base on the legs of the stand protects the floor as well as the equipment.
  • Latest design for better stability & durability 


  • Dimensions ( L x W x H ) : 1800 x 1260 x 1300 mm
  • Net Weight: 72 kg / 159 lbs

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